ARTVIRONMENT – international youth exchange in Krasnoyarsk (Siberia), Russia, October 10-15, 2017
ARTVIRONMENT – international youth exchange in Krasnoyarsk (Siberia), Russia
October 10-15, 2017
dates & duration: 6 working days + 2 days of travel
venue: Krasnoyarsk (Siberia), Russia.
dates: October 10-15, 2017
finances: We cover 100% of visa fee, accommodation, food and travel costs according to travel limit based on distance calculator.
deadline: 21.09.2017
“Artvironment” is an eight-day international meeting on collaboration of young artists and environmental protection activists. The main question of the meeting is how can we raise people’s awareness on environmental problems, consumerism and trash fields issue with the help of art techniques. Experienced young environmental activists and young artists will gather to share their knowledge and know-hows in the format of peer-to-peer education. The event will take place in Krasnoyarsk, Russia. Despite the fact that it is a scientific and industrial center of Siberia with unique nature, hosting many international sports events, it is one of the most polluted cities in Russia, where participants will also work on raising awareness action for local community, uniting art means and environmental knowledge: participants will be divided into teams that will work on their project ideas for local action\activity. During the event participants will visit a local trash field, which will allow them to assess the scale of pollution and get inspired for local activities. That will be followed by a tour at the local recycle factory for participants to get an overview on how recycling infrastructure in Russia works. It is planned to visit a local Siberian eco-settlement, which is supposed to help participants to get to know more about Russian and Siberian culture.
After the meeting there will be follow-up activities in homelands of participants where they are supposed to disseminate information about participation in this event by public speaking / small action.
Russia, Slovakia, Moldova
“ZDRUZENIE SLATINKA” Slatinka Association, Slovakia
Our mission is work in basin of Slatina river, with aim to protect environment and natural values. Our priorities are environmental education, raising environmental awareness and involving local people in solving problems, to participate on decision making about their environment.
«INTERRA», Krasnoyarsk Regional Non-govermental Organization for Non-Formal Education and Intercultural Communication
We support the values of diversity, tolerance, solidarity and equality, human rights, civic engagement. It is important for us to maintain between the different countries in a lively exchange of ideas, concepts, and best practices in the sphere of culture, education, youth work, environment, urban development, civil initiatives, social structure and so on.
Our mission is to get aware and motivate people to have a positive impact on green spaces, through participation in tree planting actions and campaigns.
The meeting “Art-vironment” has to contribute to training environmental activists to use art techniques in order to apply them to environmental and social campaigns.
* come from and be supported by a youth organization, network, pool of trainers, community, educational institution, etc.;
* be available for the whole period of preparation, implementation,follow-up activity and final evaluation of the project;
* be able to work in English;
* be aged in 18-30;
* reside in the following countries: Slovakia, Russia, Moldova.
All questions can asked by contacting or or
original announcement in Russian:
Tags : ARTVIRONMENT, INTERRA, Parcurile Viitorului, Siberia, youth exchange
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