[oberlist] – cultura tinerilor, arta si politici culturale
proiect realizat de Asociatia Oberliht | https://oberliht.org
Portal informational pentru arta si cultura din Moldova
[oberlist] reprezinta un serviciu electronic gratuit oferit artistilor, curatorilor, lucratorilor si managerilor din domeniul culturii, activistilor culturali, persoanelor interesate de politici culturale si iubitorilor de arta etc. din estul si vestul europei, dar si din jurul Marii Negre si din alte regiuni ale lumii, oferind astfel o premisa colaborarii la nivel european.
[oberlist] este un portal informational si de discutii dedicat organizatiilor, institutiilor si persoanelor active in domeniul culturii din Moldova.
Serviciul [oberlist] ofera o metoda eficienta de a mediatiza activitatea si a promova institutia pe care o reprezentati, de a identifica noi parteneri si a contacta un public mai larg.
Portalul [oberlist] se vrea un spatiu deschis si interactiv de discutii si dezbateri in jurul scenei culturale din Moldova. Moderatorii listei incurajeaza expresia atitudinii critice si participative.
[oberlist] este o lista moderata, de aceea va rugam sa respectati urmatorul set de recomandari:
– transmiteti doar mesaje care se incadreaza in tematica listei:
politici culturale / proiecte culturale / programe de finantare in domeniul culturii / cercetari, studii si publicatii / evenimente culturale din Moldova si de peste hotare / anunturi cu referinta la scoli de vara, burse, training-uri, seminarii, cursuri, resurse electronice, cereri si oferte de munca in domeniu / oportunitati de participare la tabere, simpozioane, expozitii, festivaluri, concerte etc.;
– transmiteti mesaje cu cel putin 2 zile inaintea producerii evenimentului;
– nu sunt acceptate mesajele de o natura strict comerciala sau religioasa;
– mesajele transmise pe [oberlist] pot fi redactate in orice limba europeana;
– limbile de comunicare sunt romana, engleza, franceza sau rusa;
– cind raspundeti, transmiteti doar mesaje care se adreseaza intregii comunitati de abonati si nu unei persoane in parte;
– nu trimiteti, pe cit posibil, anexe (includeti informatia in corpul mesajului); daca anexa este absolut necesara, sub nici o forma acesta nu trebuie sa depaseasca 300 KB; este de preferinta ca anexele sa fie in format RTF, DOC, PDF sau JPG.
– pentru a trimite un mesaj catre lista, trimiteti un email la adresa: oberlist(a)lists.idash.org
– pentru a contacta administratorul, trimiteti un email la adresa: ober(a)emdash.org
– pentru a va abona la [oberlist] transmiteti un mesaj pe adresa: ober(a)emdash.org cu titlu de mesaj ‘abonare oberlist’ sau mergeti la: https://lists.idash.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/oberlist
– pentru a va anula abonarea la [oberlist] transmiteti un mesaj pe adresa: ober(a)emdash.org cu titlu de mesaj ‘dezabonare oberlist’
– arhiva listei se afla la: https://lists.idash.org/pipermail/oberlist/
[oberlist] – youth culture, art & cultural policies
a project by Oberliht Association | https://oberliht.org
Information gateway for arts and culture from Moldova
[oberlist] mailing list represents an electronic free of charge service that is offered to artists, curators, cultural workers, managers and activists, policy makers, art lovers etc. from both Eastern and Western Europe but also Black Sea and other regions in the world thus establishing premises for future cooperation in Europe.
[oberlist] is an information gateway used by organisations, institutions and individuals from Moldova active in the cultural field.
[oberlist] offers visibility to your activity and institution, it helps you to identify new partners and access larger publics.
[oberlist] gateway is an interactive space open for debates around the art scene in Moldova. The moderators of the list encourage constructive criticism and participatory approach.
[oberlist] is a moderated list and has the following list of recommendations:
– post messages only that respond to the profile of the list:
cultural policies / cultural projects / funding programs for arts & culture / research works, studies and publications / cultural events in Moldova and abroad / announcements regarding summer schools, scholarships, trainings, seminars, courses, electronic resources, job offers in the field of culture / opportunities for participation in artists’ residences, symposiums, exhibitions, festivals, concerts and other projects;
– post the messages at least 2 days in advance of the announced event;
– strictly commercial or religious messages will not be accepted;
– messages posted on [oberlist] can be in any European language;
– communication languages are Romanian, English, French and Russian;
– when REPLY-ing send messages that address to the entire community of subscribers and not one single person;
– do not send attachments if possible (include the information in the body of the message); allowed size of attachements is 300 KB (RTF, DOC, PDF or JPG).
– in order to post a message on the list send it to the following address: oberlist(a)lists.idash.org
– in order to contact the administrator of the list send a message to: ober(a)emdash.org
– in order to subscribe to [oberlist] send a message to: ober(a)emdash.org with the title ‘subscribe oberlist’ or go to: https://lists.idash.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/oberlist
– in order to unsubscribe from [oberlist] send a message to: ober(a)emdash.org with the title ‘unsubscribe oberlist’
– to view the archives of the list go to: https://lists.idash.org/pipermail/oberlist/
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