
Moldova Young Artists Association Oberliht

Edu-Art 2020/ PROGRAM PUBLIC: Reprezentare și auto-reprezentare (săpt. 4) / Representation and self-representation (week 4)

Edu-Art 2020/ PROGRAM PUBLIC: Reprezentare și auto-reprezentare (săpt. 4) / Representation and self-representation (week 4)

EDU-ART 2020: Recunoaștere urbană (Săpt. 3)/ Urban reconnaissance (Week 3)

Edu-Art 2020: Recunoaștere urbană (Săpt. 3)/ Urban reconnaissance (Week 3)

Edu-Art 2020: Cum să ai de a face cu un obiect artistic?/ How to deal with an art object?

Edu-Art 2020 / APEL Cum să ai de a face cu un obiect de artă? – un ciclu de 4 seminare cu Alex Cosmescu [MD] / CALL: How to deal with an art object? – a cycle of 4 seminars with Alex Cosmescu [MD]

EDU-ART 2020: Reprezentarea regiunii prin fotografie (săpt. 2) / Representation of the region through photography (week 2)

EDU-ART 2020: Reprezentarea regiunii prin fotografie (săpt. 2) / Representation of the region through photography (week 2)

EDU-ART 2020: Arta contemporană în contextul Republicii Moldova (săptămâna 1) / Contemporary art in the context of Republic of Moldova (1st week)

EDU-ART 2020: Arta contemporană în contextul Republicii Moldova (săptămâna 1) / Contemporary art in the context of Republic of Moldova (1st week)

Open call for volunteer and youth program coordinator

Open call for volunteer and youth program coordinator A volunteer and youth program coordinator is a person who likes to work with youngsters, and who is familiar with non-formal education and the setup of the ESC (https://ec.europa.eu/youth/sites/youth/files/library/documents/european-solidarity-corps-guide-2019_en.pdf) / Erasmus + (https://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/resources/documents/erasmus-programme-guide-2020_en) programs. He/she is responsible for managing the local and the ESC volunteers and exchange […]

EDU-ART 2020: un program de evenimente dedicate artei contemporane / a public program dedicated to contemporary art

EDU-ART 2020: un program de evenimente dedicate artei contemporane / a public program dedicated to contemporary art

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